
Keep your staff healthy

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We believe that successful companies have an unrelenting focus on their employees. New England Nurses Wellness Programs are dedicated to making your work environment a better place to be. Now your company can bring timely health information to the entire workforce. It’s a great way to show your employees you care about their health.

Through education, health screenings and assessments, New England Nurses can help companies offer employees opportunities to have reminders about the importance of maintaining their health. Keeping employees healthy has been proven to lower health care costs, improves energy levels and overall productivity. We can provide your company with health fairs, health screenings, and informal seminars for on-site and traveling personnel.

Screenings and Education

Health Screenings are available upon request which include:

  • Total Cholesterol
  • HDL [High Density Lipoprotiens]
  • Glucose
  • Flu Shots
  • TB Testing
  • Hepatitis B Vaccination
  • Pneumonia Vaccination

Employee Health

  • Starting an Exercise Program
  • Aerobics/ Weight/ Resistance Exercise (various)
  • The Ten Minute Workout (demonstration/participation)
  • Heart Healthy Nutrition
  • Weight Management
  • Nutrition and Weight Loss
  • Eating Healthy on the Run
  • Vending Machine Savvy
  • Women’s Health Topics
  • Men’s Health Topics
  • Yoga tailored for the group
  • Stress Management (various)
  • Getting a Good Nights Sleep
  • Balancing Your Life
  • Learn Relaxation Techniques
  • Reiki Introduction

Work Safety

  • Back Safety and Injury Prevention
  • Stretching Program and Group
  • Demonstration
  • Seated Back Massage
  • Bloodborne Pathogens Training
  • Sinus, Allergies and Colds
  • Sun Safety
  • Dermatology

Family Health

  • Elder-care Issues
  • Keeping Your Children Healthy
  • Thinking of Becoming a Parent?


Health and Fitness Screening is becoming an important tool in the progress of both individual and group physical training. Medical cost containment and preventative health care strategies make a lot of sense. A vital part of any fitness program is knowing what kind of shape you’re in. With our state-of-the-art Fitness evaluation program you can have an assessment of your physical condition within 45 minutes.

Employee Questionnaire

Questionnaires are used to obtain the necessary background information such as lifestyle, medical history and preferences. We offer flexibility, convenience and options to employers in distributing the questionnaires; the employer can distribute them or we can mail questionnaires to employees’ homes.

On-Site Wellness Testing

We provide on-site wellness testing at the employer’s facility. A nurse and certified trainer meets with each employee to collect the questionnaire, perform on-site clinical testing and take the biometric measurements. This provides convenience and minimal disruption from work.

Personal Wellness Report

After testing, a personal and confidential medical report is given directly to each employee. Each individual will gain a better understanding of his or her health and the steps required to improve it. Each individual report includes key information detailing the assessments, tailored messages, and tips for improving health.

Employer Wellness Report

Each employer will receive an Employer Wellness Report which is an aggregate report summarizing the results of the employee population. This report can be sorted according to department and or various other demographics. These reports assist employers in targeting their wellness program to the majority in need, making wellness programming more cost-effective and reaching those that truly need it.

Comparison Reports

New England Nurses can store all data so we can offer a comparative report at the following visit. Employees can see how they have improved since their last visit. Companies can determine the priorities for the next focus of their wellness program.

Questions about our wellness programs?

Get in touch today